
This chapter is a tour of advanced features. By “advanced”, we just mean the explanations are a bit more involved than basic Boolean function input and output.

The code blocks in this chapter assume you have executed the following in a terminal:

>>> from boolexpr import *
>>> ctx = Context()
>>> a, b, c, d = map(ctx.get_var, "abcd")
>>> p, q, s, d1, d0 = map(ctx.get_var, "p q s d1 d0".split())
>>> X = ctx.get_vars('x', 8)

Trivial Operators

All of the N-ary operators have Python variadic functions. Giving zero or one argument to those functions results in a degenerate form.

>>> nor()
>>> nor(a)
>>> or_()
>>> or_(a)
>>> nand()
>>> nand(a)
>>> and_()
>>> and_(a)
>>> xnor()
>>> xnor(a)
>>> xor()
>>> xor(a)
>>> neq()
>>> neq(a)
>>> eq()
>>> eq(a)


Boolean expressions are not a canonical form. That means you can apply various transformations to them, and end up with different, functionally equivalent forms with different properties. Sometimes, the new form is more useful for a particular application.


There are several Boolean identities that reduce the size of an expression, and are very cheap to apply. All BoolExpr objects support simplification using the simplify method. It is probably more convenient to use the auto-simplifying function forms, e.g. or_s instead of or_.

Eliminating Constants

Simplification eliminates all constant values from expressions. For example:

>>> or_s(a, False)
>>> xor_s(a | 1, b)

This is also true for expressions that can easily be converted to constants. For example:

>>> or_s(a, ~a)


The OR, AND, and XOR operators are associative. In cases where an associative operator finds sub-operators of the same type, the operators will be collapsed. For example:

>>> or_s(a & b, c | d)
Or(c, d, And(b, a))

Unknown Propagation

The Logical expression node represents a value that is constant, but the particular 0/1 value is not known. The simplification operator will perform optimistic X propagation on these values.

For example:

>>> or_s(a, 'X')

The worth of this analysis is determining whether sub-expressions that propagate known constants dominate sub-expressions that propagate unknown constants.

For example:

>>> or_s(a & 0, b & 'X')
>>> or_s(1 | a, b & 'X')

In the first case, the unknown value dominates the OR expression, resulting in an X output. In the second case, the 1 dominates the X, resulting in a 1 output.


BoolExpr knows about several identities involving the Implies and IfThenElse operators as well.

For example:

>>> impl_s(0, q)
>>> impl_s(~p, p)
>>> ite_s(0, d1, d0)
>>> ite_s(s, d1, 1)
Or(d1, ~s)

The IfThenElse operator is the same as a 2:1 multiplexer. When you apply the same value to both inputs, it doesn’t matter what the select value is.

>>> ite_s(s, d1, d1)
>>> ite_s('X', 0, 0)
>>> ite_s('X', a, a)

Push Down NOT Bubbles

Boolean algebra has something called the duality principle. The most common demonstration of that principle is DeMorgan’s Law:

>>> nor(a, b).to_posop()
And(~a, ~b)
>>> nand(a, b).to_posop()
Or(~a, ~b)

DeMorgan’s Law demonstrates that OR is the dual operator of AND, and vice-versa. In fact, all the BoolExpr operators have a dual operator.

>>> xnor(a, b).to_posop()
Xor(~a, b)
>>> neq(a, b).to_posop()
Equal(~a, b)
>>> (~impl(p, q)).to_posop()
And(p, ~q)
>>> (~ite(s, d1, d0)).to_posop()
IfThenElse(s, ~d1, ~d0)

Using these identities recursively, you can push all negated nodes in the expression graph down towards the leaves, where they will change 0 for 1, and \(\overline{x}\) to \(x\). This leaves you with all positive operators in the expression.

For example:

>>> f = nor(a&b, c^d)
>>> f.to_posop()
And(Or(~a, ~b), Xor(~c, d))

As you can see, the NOT operator at the top of the expression is pushed all the way down to the literals at the leaves.

Convert N-ary Ops to Binary Ops

If, for some reason, you want to convert N-ary expressions to binary forms, use the to_binop method:

>>> or_(*X[:8]).to_binop()
Or(Or(Or(x_0, x_1), Or(x_2, x_3)), Or(Or(x_4, x_5), Or(x_6, x_7)))

This technique might help to re-write an arbitrary expression in a language (such as Python REPL) that only supports binary operators.

Convert All Operators to OR/AND Form

The most common basis for Boolean algebra is NOT/OR/AND. The to_latop transformation converts all Xor, Equal, Implies, and IfThenElse operators to their most obvious form using NOT/OR/AND.

For example:

>>> xor(a, b).to_latop()
Or(And(~a, b), And(a, ~b))
>>> eq(a, b).to_latop()
Or(And(~a, ~b), And(a, b))
>>> impl(p, q).to_latop()
Or(~p, q)
>>> ite(s, d1, d0).to_latop()
Or(And(s, d1), And(~s, d0))

The two-level conversion from XOR to OR/AND is exponential in size, so to_latop chooses to return a smaller, nested form:

>>> xor(a, b, c, d).to_latop()
Or(And(Nor(And(~a, b), And(a, ~b)), Or(And(~c, d), And(c, ~d))), And(Or(And(~a, b), And(a, ~b)), Nor(And(~c, d), And(c, ~d))))

Negation Normal Form

A Boolean expression is in negation normal form (NNF) if it contains only literals, and OR/AND operators. This is the same as converting to lattice operator, then pushing down all NOT operators towards the leaves. Use the to_nnf method to combine these transformations.

>>> f = xor(eq(a, b), impl(p, q), ite(s, d1, d0))
>>> f.to_nnf()
Or(And(Or(And(Or(~d0, s), Or(~d1, ~s)), ~p, q), Or(And(d1, s), And(d0, ~s), And(~q, p)), Or(And(b, a), And(~b, ~a))), And(Or(And(Or(~d1, ~s), Or(~d0, s), Or(q, ~p)), And(Or(And(d0, ~s), And(d1, s)), p, ~q)), Or(b, a), Or(~b, ~a)))

Conjunctive/Disjunctive Normal Form

The conjunctive (CNF), and disjunctive (DNF) normal forms are NNF expressions with a depth less than or equal to two. CNF is a conjunctive (AND) of clauses, and DNF is a disjunction (OR) of clauses.

To convert expressions to CNF and DNF, use the to_cnf, and to_dnf methods, respectively.

The process of flattening an expression to two-level form causes an exponential blow-up of the graph size. Use these methods with caution.

For example:

>>> f = xor(eq(a, b), impl(p, q), ite(s, d1, d0))
>>> f.to_cnf()
And(Or(~q, ~s, ~d1, ~b, a), Or(~q, s, b, ~p, ~d0, ~a), Or(~q, ~d1, b, ~d0, ~a), Or(~q, ~s, ~d1, b, ~p, ~a),
    Or(~q, ~d1, b, ~p, ~d0, ~a), Or(p, s, ~b, a, ~d0), Or(p, ~s, ~d1, ~b, a), Or(~s, ~d1, ~b, a, p, d0),
    Or(p, ~d1, ~b, a, ~d0), Or(p, s, b, ~d0, ~a), Or(p, ~s, ~d1, b, ~a), Or(~s, d1, ~b, q, a, ~p),
    Or(q, d1, b, ~p, d0, ~a), Or(~q, ~s, d1, b, a), Or(~q, ~s, d1, b, a, ~p), Or(b, a, ~q, s, d0),
    Or(~q, s, ~b, a, ~d0), Or(d1, b, a, ~p, ~q, d0), Or(s, d1, b, q, a, ~p, ~d0), Or(d1, b, a, p, d0),
    Or(~d1, b, a, p, s, d0), Or(p, ~d1, b, ~d0, ~a), Or(~s, ~d1, b, q, a, ~p), Or(q, ~d1, ~b, ~p, ~d0, ~a),
    Or(~d1, b, a, ~q, s, d0), Or(~q, s, d1, ~b, a, ~d0), Or(~q, ~s, ~d1, ~b, a, ~p), Or(~s, ~d1, b, ~q, d0, ~a),
    Or(d1, ~b, ~p, ~q, d0, ~a), Or(d1, b, a, ~q, d0), Or(d1, ~b, p, d0, ~a), Or(~q, ~d1, ~b, a, ~p, ~d0),
    Or(q, b, ~p, s, d0, ~a), Or(~q, ~d1, ~b, a, ~d0), Or(~b, ~q, s, d0, ~a), Or(~b, p, s, d0, ~a),
    Or(~d1, b, q, a, ~p, ~d0), Or(b, a, p, s, d0), Or(~d1, ~b, ~p, ~q, s, d0, ~a), Or(~d1, ~b, ~q, s, d0, ~a),
    Or(~s, ~d1, ~b, a, ~q, d0), Or(~s, ~d1, b, p, d0, ~a), Or(~q, ~s, d1, ~b, ~p, ~a), Or(d1, ~b, ~q, d0, ~a),
    Or(b, a, ~p, ~q, s, d0), Or(~d1, b, a, ~p, ~q, s, d0), Or(~q, s, b, ~d0, ~a), Or(q, s, ~b, ~p, ~d0, ~a),
    Or(d1, ~b, q, a, ~p, d0), Or(~d1, ~b, q, a, ~p, s, d0), Or(~b, q, a, ~p, s, d0), Or(s, b, q, a, ~p, ~d0),
    Or(p, ~s, d1, b, a, ~d0), Or(~q, s, ~b, a, ~p, ~d0), Or(q, ~d1, b, ~p, s, d0, ~a), Or(~b, ~p, ~q, s, d0, ~a),
    Or(~q, ~s, d1, b, a, ~d0), Or(~q, ~s, d1, ~b, ~d0, ~a), Or(p, s, d1, ~b, a, ~d0), Or(~q, ~s, ~d1, b, ~a),
    Or(p, ~s, d1, ~b, ~d0, ~a), Or(p, ~s, d1, b, a), Or(p, ~s, d1, ~b, ~a), Or(~q, s, d1, b, ~p, ~d0, ~a),
    Or(~q, ~s, d1, ~b, ~a), Or(p, s, d1, b, ~d0, ~a), Or(q, ~s, d1, b, ~p, ~a), Or(q, s, d1, ~b, ~p, ~d0, ~a),
    Or(q, ~s, ~d1, ~b, ~p, ~a), Or(~d1, ~b, p, s, d0, ~a), Or(~q, s, d1, b, ~d0, ~a), Or(~q, s, d1, ~b, a, ~p, ~d0))

Tseytin Transformation

SAT solvers such as CryptoMiniSAT require a CNF input. Since the to_cnf method might require exponential memory, we need another way to transform an arbitrary expression to a CNF that is equisatisfiable with the original.

The answer is the Tseytin transformation. Since this transformation creates auxiliary variables, you must provide a Context object instance to manage those new variables.

Use the tseytin method to get the Tseytin transformation. Notice how in the following example, the Tseytin form is much smaller than its aforementioned CNF form.

>>> f = xor(eq(a, b), impl(p, q), ite(s, d1, d0))
>>> f.tseytin(ctx)
And(Or(b, a, a_1), Or(~b, ~a, a_1), Or(a_2, ~a_3, ~a_1, ~a_0), Or(b, ~a_1, ~a),
    Or(a_3, ~a_2, ~a_1, ~a_0), Or(~a_3, a_2, a_1, a_0), Or(~a_2, ~a_3, ~a_1, a_0), a_0, Or(~d0, a_3, s),
    Or(~a_3, d0, s), Or(d0, ~a_3, d1), Or(d1, ~a_3, ~s), Or(q, ~a_2, ~p),
    Or(~b, ~a_1, a), Or(~q, a_2), Or(a_3, ~a_2, a_1, a_0), Or(a_3, a_2, ~a_1, a_0),
    Or(a_3, a_2, a_1, ~a_0), Or(~d1, a_3, ~s), Or(~a_3, ~a_2, a_1, ~a_0), Or(p, a_2))

Variable Substitution

Function composition on Boolean expressions is fairly straightforward. Simply substitute some subset of support variables with other expressions. For this, BoolExpr provides the compose method. It takes a dict of {Variable: BoolExpr} mappings as input, and does not auto-simplify the output.

For example:

>>> f = a | b & c ^ d
>>> g = impl(p, q)
>>> f.compose({a: g})
Or(Implies(p, q), Xor(And(b, c), d))
>>> f.compose({d: g})
Or(a, Xor(And(b, c), Implies(p, q)))

The restrict method is similar to compose. It takes a dict of {Variable: Constant} mappings as input, and does auto-simpify the output.

For example:

>>> f = a | b & c ^ d
>>> f.restrict({a: 0})
Xor(d, And(c, b))
>>> f.restrict({a: False, b: True, c: False, d: True})
>>> f.restrict({c: 'X'})


The question of whether a Boolean function is satisfiable (SAT) is one of the most important questions in computer science. To help us answer this question, BoolExpr has the sat and iter_sat methods. SAT is NP-complete, so it is not guaranteed that a solution can be found quickly. Under the hood, BoolExpr uses the modern, industrial-strength CryptoMiniSAT solver to arrive at solutions as quickly as possible.

The sat method returns a two-tuple. The first part is the bool answer to whether the function is satisfiable. If the function is SAT, the second part will contain a satisfying input point.

For example:

>>> f = (~a|~b) & (~a|b) & (a|~b) & (a|b)
>>> f.sat()
(False, None)
>>> g = xor(eq(a, b), impl(p, q), ite(s, d1, d0))
>>> g.sat()
(True, {d1: 1, d0: 1, q: 1, a: 1, b: 1, s: 1, p: 1})

The iter_sat method is a generator that iterates through all satisfying input points. Unsatisfiable functions will be empty.

For example:

>>> f = (~a|~b) & (~a|b) & (a|~b) & (a|b)
>>> list(f.iter_sat())
>>> g = onehot(a, b, c)
>>> list(g.iter_sat())
[{b: 1, c: 0, a: 0}, {b: 0, c: 0, a: 1}, {b: 0, c: 1, a: 0}]


The Shannon expansion is the fundamental theorem of Boolean algebra. To make it easier to calculate this, BoolExpr provides the iter_cfs generator method.

You can use it with only one input variable, the common case:

>>> list(ite(s, d1, d0).iter_cfs(s))
[d0, d1]

Or you can view the cofactors of multiple variables simultaneously:

>>> list(ite(s, d1, d0).iter_cfs([d1, d0]))
[0, s, ~s, 1]

Existential and Universal Quantification

Some logical statements are structured such that there exists a value of a variable \(x\) such that the statement is true. This is the existential quantification operator. BoolExpr provides the smoothing method for this. The smoothing is the OR of a sequence of cofactors.

For convenience, you can also use the exists function.

For example, for a function \(f\) that depends on \(a\), to write “there exists a variable \(a\) such that \(f\) is true”:

>>> f = onehot0(a, b, c)
>>> f.smoothing(a)
Or(And(Or(~c, ~b), ~c, ~b), ~b, ~c)
>>> exists(a, f)
Or(And(Or(~c, ~b), ~c, ~b), ~b, ~c)

Similarly, you can write logical statements structured such that for all values of a variable \(x\) such that the statement is true. This is the universal quantification operator. BoolExpr provides the consensus method for this. The consensus is the AND of a sequence of cofactors.

For convenience, you can also use the forall function.

For example, for a function \(f\) that depends on \(a\), to write “for all values of :math`a`, \(f\) is true”:

>>> f = onehot0(a, b, c)
>>> f.consensus(a)
And(~c, ~b, Or(~c, ~b), Or(~c, ~b))
>>> forall(a, f)
And(~c, ~b, Or(~c, ~b), Or(~c, ~b))

The derivative method is similar to smoothing and consensus. It is the XOR of a sequence of cofactors.

>>> f = onehot0(a, b, c)
>>> f.derivative(a)
Xor(And(Or(~c, ~b), ~c, ~b), Or(~c, ~b))

Multi-Dimensional Arrays

BoolExpr version 2.0 introduces multi-dimensional arrays. The look and feel of the boolexpr.ndarray data type is modeled after numpy’s ndarray, with some subtle differences.


There are four ways to construct ndarray instances:

  1. Use the Context.get_vars method.
  2. Use the array factory function.
  3. Use the zeros, ones, and logicals factory functions.
  4. Use the uint2nda, and int2nda factory functions.

We have already covered #1.

The array function takes an arbitrarily-shaped input of Python sequences, and attempts to automatically convert it to an ndarray. For example:

>>> a, b, c, d = map(ctx.get_var, "abcd")
>>> array([a, b, c, d])
array([a, b, c, d])
>>> array([[a, b], [c, d]])
array([[a, b],
       [c, d]])

If you want to get an N-dimensional array of constant values, use zeros, ones, and logicals:

>>> zeros(4)
array([0, 0, 0, 0])
>>> ones(2, 3)
array([[1, 1, 1],
       [1, 1, 1]])

Similarly, to get the binary representation of an unsigned or two’s complement integer, use the uint2nda and int2nda functions. Both take an optional length parameter.

>>> uint2nda(42)
array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1])
>>> int2nda(-42, length=8)
array([0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1])

Notice that for integers, the output is displayed in least-significant-bit to most-significant-bit order.

Shape and Size

The Context.get_vars method allows you to provide irregular shape inputs. For example:

>>> X = ctx.get_vars('x', (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 5))
>>> X
array([[[x[1,2,3], x[1,2,4]],
        [x[1,3,3], x[1,3,4]]],

       [[x[2,2,3], x[2,2,4]],
        [x[2,3,3], x[2,3,4]]]])

You can accomplish the same thing with the array function using the optional shape parameter:

>>> Y = array([[a, b], [c, d]], shape=((5, 7), (11, 13)))
>>> Y
array([[a, b],
       [c, d]])

Internally, all of these are represented as flat arrays.

Use the shape property to get the array shape, and the reshape method to return a new array with a similar shape:

>>> Y.shape
((5, 7), (11, 13))
>>> Y.reshape(2, 2).shape
((0, 2), (0, 2))

Keep in mind that iterating through an N-dimensional array will only work on one dimension at a time. Therefore, the len function will only return the length of the first dimension in that iteration:

>>> for item in X:
array([[x[1,2,3], x[1,2,4]],
       [x[1,3,3], x[1,3,4]]])
array([[x[2,2,3], x[2,2,4]],
       [x[2,3,3], x[2,3,4]]])
>>> len(X)

Use the flat iterator and size property to access the array data in a one-dimensional way:

>>> for item in X.flat:
>>> X.size


N-dimensional arrays mostly support numpy-style slicing.

To demonstrate the various capabilities, let’s create some arrays. For simplicity, we will only use zero indexing.

>>> A = ctx.get_vars('a', 4)
>>> B = ctx.get_vars('b', 4, 4, 4)

Using a single integer index will collapse an array dimension. For 1-D arrays, this means returning an item.

>>> A[2]
>>> B[2]
array([[b[2,0,0], b[2,0,1], b[2,0,2], b[2,0,3]],
       [b[2,1,0], b[2,1,1], b[2,1,2], b[2,1,3]],
       [b[2,2,0], b[2,2,1], b[2,2,2], b[2,2,3]],
       [b[2,3,0], b[2,3,1], b[2,3,2], b[2,3,3]]])

The colon : slice syntax shrinks a dimension:

>>> A[:]
array([a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]])
>>> A[1:]
array([a[1], a[2], a[3]])
>>> A[:3]
array([a[0], a[1], a[2]])
>>> B[1:3]
array([[[b[1,0,0], b[1,0,1], b[1,0,2], b[1,0,3]],
        [b[1,1,0], b[1,1,1], b[1,1,2], b[1,1,3]],
        [b[1,2,0], b[1,2,1], b[1,2,2], b[1,2,3]],
        [b[1,3,0], b[1,3,1], b[1,3,2], b[1,3,3]]],

       [[b[2,0,0], b[2,0,1], b[2,0,2], b[2,0,3]],
        [b[2,1,0], b[2,1,1], b[2,1,2], b[2,1,3]],
        [b[2,2,0], b[2,2,1], b[2,2,2], b[2,2,3]],
        [b[2,3,0], b[2,3,1], b[2,3,2], b[2,3,3]]]])

For N-dimensional arrays, the slice accepts up to N indices separated by a comma. Unspecified slices at the end will default to :.

>>> B[1,2,3]
>>> B[:,2,3]
array([b[0,2,3], b[1,2,3], b[2,2,3], b[3,2,3]])
>>> B[1,:,3]
array([b[1,0,3], b[1,1,3], b[1,2,3], b[1,3,3]])
>>> B[1,2,:]
array([b[1,2,0], b[1,2,1], b[1,2,2], b[1,2,3]])
>>> B[1,2]
array([b[1,2,0], b[1,2,1], b[1,2,2], b[1,2,3]])

The ... syntax will fill available indices left to right with :. Only one ellipsis will be recognized per slice.

>>> B[...,1]
array([[b[0,0,1], b[0,1,1], b[0,2,1], b[0,3,1]],
       [b[1,0,1], b[1,1,1], b[1,2,1], b[1,3,1]],
       [b[2,0,1], b[2,1,1], b[2,2,1], b[2,3,1]],
       [b[3,0,1], b[3,1,1], b[3,2,1], b[3,3,1]]])
>>> B[1,...]
array([[b[1,0,0], b[1,0,1], b[1,0,2], b[1,0,3]],
       [b[1,1,0], b[1,1,1], b[1,1,2], b[1,1,3]],
       [b[1,2,0], b[1,2,1], b[1,2,2], b[1,2,3]],
       [b[1,3,0], b[1,3,1], b[1,3,2], b[1,3,3]]])

N-dimensional arrays also support negative indices. Arrays with a zero start index follow Python’s usual conventions.

For example, here is the index guide for A[0:4]:

 | a[0] | a[1] | a[2] | a[3] |
 0      1      2      3      4
-4     -3     -2     -1

For example

>>> A[-1]
>>> A[-3:-1]
array([a[1], a[2]])

N-dimensional arrays are mutable, which means you can use the slicing notation similarly to a Python list:

>>> A
array([a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]])
>>> A[1] = B[1,2,3]
>>> A
array([a[0], b[1,2,3], a[2], a[3]])

If you assign to a slice larger than one element, make sure the size of the left-hand slice matches the size of the right-hand slice.

>>> A[1:3] = B[1,1:3,1]
>>> A
array([a[0], b[1,1,1], b[1,2,1], a[3]])



N-dimensional arrays overload all of Python’s bit-wise operators.

>>> X = ctx.get_vars('x', 4)
>>> Y = ctx.get_vars('y', 4)
>>> ~X
array([~x[0], ~x[1], ~x[2], ~x[3]])
>>> X | Y
array([Or(x[0], y[0]), Or(x[1], y[1]), Or(x[2], y[2]), Or(x[3], y[3])])
>>> X & Y
array([And(x[0], y[0]), And(x[1], y[1]), And(x[2], y[2]), And(x[3], y[3])])
>>> X ^ Y
array([Xor(x[0], y[0]), Xor(x[1], y[1]), Xor(x[2], y[2]), Xor(x[3], y[3])])
>>> X << 2
array([0, 0, x[0], x[1]])
>>> X >> 2
array([x[2], x[3], 0, 0])

Performing bitwise operators on arrays of different size works just fine, but keep in mind that it fills empty elements with the operator’s identity. For OR and XOR, this is False; for AND, this is True.

>>> X & Y[:2]
array([And(x[0], y[0]), And(x[1], y[1]), x[2], x[3]])

Concatenation and Repetition

Just like Python lists, the + operator implements concatenation, and the * operator implements repetition.

>>> X + Y
array([x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], y[0], y[1], y[2], y[3]])
>>> Y + X
array([y[0], y[1], y[2], y[3], x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3]])
>>> X * 2
array([x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3]])
>>> 2 * X
array([x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3]])


Another important operator for bit vectors is reduction. You can implement reduction the usual Python way with the operator and functools modules.

>>> from functools import reduce
>>> import operator
>>> reduce(operator.or_, X)
Or(Or(Or(x[0], x[1]), x[2]), x[3])

You can simplify this output to get the desired result:

>>> reduce(operator.or_, X).simplify()
Or(x[1], x[0], x[3], x[2])

To make things a bit easier, boolexpr provides bitwise reduction operators.

>>> X.or_reduce()
Or(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3])
>>> X.and_reduce()
And(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3])
>>> X.xor_reduce()
Xor(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3])


The zext method returns a new array zero-extended by some number of bits. Similarly, the sext method returns a new array sign-extended by some number of bits. Even though N-dimensional arrays do not posess any numerical encoding semantics, the meaning is the same for either signed magnitude or two’s complement, where the sign is the most-significant bit. Notice that the return value is a new array.

For example:

>>> X.zext(2)
array([x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], 0, 0])
>>> X.sext(2)
array([x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[3], x[3]])

Rich Shift

The shift operators we have looked at so far are somewhat limited. The lsh and rsh shift methods give you not just the array after being shifted, but also the value that is “shifted out” of the array. Instead of an integer, they take an array as an input.

For example:

>>> X.lsh(Y[:2])
(array([y[0], y[1], x[0], x[1]]), array([x[2], x[3]]))
>>> X.rsh(ones(2))
(array([x[0], x[1]]), array([x[2], x[3], 1, 1]))

Notice that the return value maintains the direction of the shift-out. That is, for left shifts the value shifts towards the most significant bit, and for right shifts, the value shifts towards the least significant bit.

For convenience, there is also an “arithmetic” shift operator. This is a type of right shift that always uses the most significant bit as the shift-in value. This preserves the signedness in a signed magnitude or two’s complement representation.

For example:

>>> X.arsh(2)
(array([x[0], x[1]]), array([x[2], x[3], x[3], x[3]]))

Other Methods

N-dimensional arrays also implement some vectorized versions of BoolExpr methods.

For example, you can perform function composition or restriction on a whole array at once:

>>> X = array(x, 4)
>>> X.compose({X[0]: Y[0] | Y[1], X[1]: Y[2] & Y[3]})
array([Or(y[0], y[1]), And(y[2], y[3]), x[2], x[3]])
>>> X.restrict({X[0]: 0, X[1]: 1, X[2]: 0, X[3]: 1})
array([0, 1, 0, 1])
>>> X.restrict({X: "0101"})
array([0, 1, 0, 1])

The equiv method tests whether two N-dimensional arrays are equivalent. This is only true if both arrays are the same size, and each corresponding element of both arrays is equivalent.

>>> A = array([impl(p, q), ite(s, d1, d0)])
>>> B = array([~p | q, s & d1 | ~s & d0])
>>> A.equiv(B)