Source code for boolexpr.wrap

# Copyright 2016 Chris Drake
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

CFFI _boolexpr module wrapper

# Ignore several instances of accessing obj._cdata
# pylint: disable=protected-access

# Some of the wrapper classes have only __dunder__ methods
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods

# This module needs to be a bit long
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines

import collections
import enum
import itertools
import operator
from functools import reduce

# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from . import ffi
from . import lib
# pylint: enable=no-name-in-module
from .util import clog2

class _String:
    Wrap C char *
    def __init__(self, cdata):
        self._cdata = cdata

    def __del__(self):

    def __bytes__(self):
        return ffi.string(self._cdata)

class _Vec:
    Wrap C Vec
    def __init__(self, cdata):
        self._cdata = cdata

    def __del__(self):

    def __iter__(self):
        while True:
            val = lib.boolexpr_Vec_val(self._cdata)
            if val == ffi.NULL:
            yield _bx(val)

class _VarSet:
    Wrap C VarSet
    def __init__(self, cdata):
        self._cdata = cdata

    def __del__(self):

    def __iter__(self):
        while True:
            val = lib.boolexpr_VarSet_val(self._cdata)
            if val == ffi.NULL:
            yield _bx(val)

class _Point:
    Wrap C Point
    def __init__(self, cdata):
        self._cdata = cdata

    def __del__(self):

    def __iter__(self):
        while True:
            key = lib.boolexpr_Point_key(self._cdata)
            if key == ffi.NULL:
            val = lib.boolexpr_Point_val(self._cdata)
            yield _bx(key), _bx(val)

class _Soln:
    Wrap C Soln
    def __init__(self, cdata):
        self._cdata = cdata

    def __del__(self):

    def sat(self):
        """Return True if the solution is satisfiable."""
        return bool(lib.boolexpr_Soln_first(self._cdata))

    def point(self):
        """Return a satisfying input point, or None."""
        if not self.sat:
            return None
        return dict(_Point(lib.boolexpr_Soln_second(self._cdata)))

    def t(self):
        """Return the solution formatted as a tuple."""
        return (self.sat, self.point)

class _DfsIter:
    Wrap C DfsIter
    def __init__(self, cdata):
        self._cdata = cdata

    def __del__(self):

    def __iter__(self):
        while True:
            val = lib.boolexpr_DfsIter_val(self._cdata)
            if val == ffi.NULL:
            yield _bx(val)

class _SatIter:
    Wrap C SatIter
    def __init__(self, cdata):
        self._cdata = cdata

    def __del__(self):

    def __iter__(self):
        while True:
            val = lib.boolexpr_SatIter_val(self._cdata)
            if val == ffi.NULL:
            yield dict(_Point(val))

class _PointsIter:
    Wrap C PointsIter
    def __init__(self, cdata):
        self._cdata = cdata

    def __del__(self):

    def __iter__(self):
        while True:
            val = lib.boolexpr_PointsIter_val(self._cdata)
            if val == ffi.NULL:
            yield dict(_Point(val))

class _TermsIter:
    Wrap C TermsIter
    def __init__(self, cdata):
        self._cdata = cdata

    def __del__(self):

    def __iter__(self):
        while True:
            val = lib.boolexpr_TermsIter_val(self._cdata)
            if val == ffi.NULL:
            yield tuple(_Vec(val))

class _DomainIter:
    Wrap C DomainIter
    def __init__(self, cdata):
        self._cdata = cdata

    def __del__(self):

    def __iter__(self):
        while True:
            val = lib.boolexpr_DomainIter_val(self._cdata)
            if val == ffi.NULL:
            yield dict(_Point(val))

class _CofactorIter:
    Wrap C CofactorIter
    def __init__(self, cdata):
        self._cdata = cdata

    def __del__(self):

    def __iter__(self):
        while True:
            val = lib.boolexpr_CofactorIter_val(self._cdata)
            if val == ffi.NULL:
            yield _bx(val)

class _ArrayPair:
    Wrap C ArrayPair
    def __init__(self, cdata):
        self._cdata = cdata

    def __del__(self):

    def fst(self):
        """Return the first element of the pair."""
        return Array(lib.boolexpr_ArrayPair_fst(self._cdata))

    def snd(self):
        """Return the second element of the pair."""
        return Array(lib.boolexpr_ArrayPair_snd(self._cdata))

    def t(self):
        """Return the pair formatted as a tuple."""
        return (self.fst, self.snd)

[docs]class Context: """ A context for Boolean variables """ def __init__(self): self._cdata = lib.boolexpr_Context_new() def __del__(self): lib.boolexpr_Context_del(self._cdata)
[docs] def get_var(self, name): """Return a Variable with a given name.""" cdata = lib.boolexpr_Context_get_var(self._cdata, name.encode("ascii")) return _bx(cdata)
[docs] def get_vars(self, name, *dims): """Return a multi-dimensional array of variables. The *name* argument is a ``str``. The variadic *dims* input is a sequence of dimension specs. A dimension spec is a two-tuple: (start index, stop index). If a dimension is given as a single ``int``, it will be converted to ``(0, stop)``. The dimension starts at index ``start``, and increments by one up to, but not including, ``stop``. This follows the Python slice convention. """ shape = _dims2shape(*dims) objs = list() for indices in itertools.product(*[range(i, j) for i, j in shape]): suffix = "[" + ",".join(str(idx) for idx in indices) + "]" objs.append(self.get_var(name + suffix)) return array(objs, shape)
ROOT_CONTEXT = Context() def get_var(name): """Return a variable from the root context.""" return ROOT_CONTEXT.get_var(name) def get_vars(name, *dims): """Return a multi-dimensional array of variables from the root context.""" return ROOT_CONTEXT.get_vars(name, *dims)
[docs]class BoolExpr: """ Wrap boolexpr::BoolExpr class """
[docs] class Kind(enum.Enum): """BoolExpr Kind Codes""" zero = lib.ZERO one = lib.ONE log = lib.LOG ill = lib.ILL comp = lib.COMP var = lib.VAR nor = lib.NOR or_ = lib.OR nand = lib.NAND and_ = lib.AND xnor = lib.XNOR xor = lib.XOR neq = lib.NEQ eq = lib.EQ nimpl = lib.NIMPL impl = lib.IMPL nite = lib.NITE ite = lib.ITE
def __init__(self, cdata): self._cdata = cdata def __del__(self): lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_del(self._cdata)
[docs] def to_ast(self): """Convert to an abstract syntax tree (AST)."""
[docs] def from_ast(cls, ast): """Convert an abstract syntax tree (AST) to a BoolExpr.""" fst, rst = ast[0], ast[1:] return _AST[fst](rst)
[docs] def to_dot(self): """Convert to DOT language representation.""" data = bytes(_String(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_to_dot(self._cdata))) return data.decode("utf-8")
def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __bytes__(self): return bytes(_String(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_to_string(self._cdata))) def __str__(self): return self.__bytes__().decode("utf-8")
[docs] def __invert__(self): """Boolean negation operator +-----------+------------+ | :math:`f` | :math:`f'` | +===========+============+ | 0 | 1 | +-----------+------------+ | 1 | 0 | +-----------+------------+ """ return not_(self)
[docs] def __or__(self, other): """Boolean disjunction (sum, OR) operator +-----------+-----------+---------------+ | :math:`f` | :math:`g` | :math:`f + g` | +===========+===========+===============+ | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-----------+-----------+---------------+ | 0 | 1 | 1 | +-----------+-----------+---------------+ | 1 | 0 | 1 | +-----------+-----------+---------------+ | 1 | 1 | 1 | +-----------+-----------+---------------+ """ return or_(self, other)
def __ror__(self, other): return or_(other, self)
[docs] def __and__(self, other): r"""Boolean conjunction (product, AND) operator +-----------+-----------+-------------------+ | :math:`f` | :math:`g` | :math:`f \cdot g` | +===========+===========+===================+ | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-----------+-----------+-------------------+ | 0 | 1 | 0 | +-----------+-----------+-------------------+ | 1 | 0 | 0 | +-----------+-----------+-------------------+ | 1 | 1 | 1 | +-----------+-----------+-------------------+ """ return and_(self, other)
def __rand__(self, other): return and_(other, self)
[docs] def __xor__(self, other): r"""Boolean exclusive or (XOR) operator +-----------+-----------+--------------------+ | :math:`f` | :math:`g` | :math:`f \oplus g` | +===========+===========+====================+ | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-----------+-----------+--------------------+ | 0 | 1 | 1 | +-----------+-----------+--------------------+ | 1 | 0 | 1 | +-----------+-----------+--------------------+ | 1 | 1 | 0 | +-----------+-----------+--------------------+ """ return xor(self, other)
def __rxor__(self, other): return xor(other, self) def __add__(self, other): return array([self]) + other def __radd__(self, other): return array([other]) + self def __mul__(self, num): return array([self]) * num def __rmul__(self, num): return self.__mul__(num) @property def kind(self): """Return the Kind code. The expression "kind" is one byte of information. See ``include/boolexpr/boolexpr.h`` for the full table of kinds codes. For convenience, this value is wrapped by a Python Enum. """ return self.Kind(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_kind(self._cdata))
[docs] def depth(self): """Return the depth of the expression. 1. An ``Atom`` has zero depth. 2. An ``Operator`` has depth equal to the maximum depth of its arguments plus one. """ return lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_depth(self._cdata)
[docs] def size(self): """Return the size of the expression. 1. An ``Atom`` has size one. 2. An ``Operator`` has size equal to the sum of its arguments' sizes plus one. """ return lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_size(self._cdata)
[docs] def is_cnf(self): """Return ``True`` if the expression is in conjunctive normal form (CNF). A CNF is defined as a conjunction of clauses, where a clause is defined as either a ``Literal``, or a disjunction of literals. Boolean True (``And`` identity) is also considered to be a CNF. """ return bool(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_is_cnf(self._cdata))
[docs] def is_dnf(self): """ Return ``True`` if the expression is in disjunctive normal form (DNF). A DNF is defined as a disjunction of clauses, where a clause is defined as either a ``Literal``, or a disjunction of literals. Boolean False (``Or`` identity) is also considered to be a DNF. """ return bool(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_is_dnf(self._cdata))
[docs] def simplify(self): """Return a simplified expression. Simplification uses Boolean algebra identities to reduce the size of the expression. """ return _bx(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_simplify(self._cdata))
[docs] def to_binop(self): """Return an expression that uses only binary operators.""" return _bx(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_to_binop(self._cdata))
[docs] def to_latop(self): """ Convert all operators to ``Or`` / ``And`` (lattice operator) form. """ return _bx(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_to_latop(self._cdata))
[docs] def to_posop(self): r"""Return an expression with NOT bubbles pushed down through dual ops. Specifically, perform the following transformations: .. math:: \overline{a + b + \ldots} &\iff \overline{a\vphantom{b}} \cdot \overline{b} \cdot \ldots \overline{a \cdot b \cdot \ldots} &\iff \overline{a\vphantom{b}} + \overline{b} + \ldots \overline{a \oplus b \oplus \ldots} &\iff \overline{a} \oplus b \oplus \ldots \overline{eq(a, b, \ldots)} &\iff eq(\overline{a}, b, \ldots) \overline{p \implies q} &\iff p \cdot \overline{q} \overline{ite(s, d1, d0)} &\iff ite(s, \overline{d1}, \overline{d0}) """ return _bx(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_to_posop(self._cdata))
[docs] def tseytin(self, ctx, auxvarname="a"): """Return the Tseytin transformation. The ``ctx`` parameter is a ``Context`` object that will be used to store auxiliary variables. The ``auxvarname`` parameter is the prefix of auxiliary variable names. The suffix will be in the form ``_0``, ``_1``, etc. """ name = auxvarname.encode("ascii") return _bx(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_tseytin(self._cdata, ctx._cdata, name))
[docs] def compose(self, var2bx): r""" Substitute a subset of support variables with other Boolean expressions. Returns a new expression: :math:`f(g_i, \ldots)` :math:`f_1 \: | \: x_i = f_2` """ num = len(var2bx) c_vars ="void * []", num) c_bxs ="void * []", num) for i, (var, bx) in enumerate(var2bx.items()): c_vars[i] = _expect_var(var)._cdata c_bxs[i] = _expect_bx(bx)._cdata return _bx(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_compose(self._cdata, num, c_vars, c_bxs))
[docs] def restrict(self, point): r""" Restrict a subset of support variables to :math:`\{0, 1\}`. Returns a new function: :math:`f(x_i, \ldots)` :math:`f \: | \: x_i = b` """ num = len(point) c_vars ="void * []", num) c_consts ="void * []", num) for i, (var, const) in enumerate(point.items()): c_vars[i] = _expect_var(var)._cdata c_consts[i] = _expect_const(const)._cdata return _bx(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_restrict(self._cdata, num, c_vars, c_consts))
[docs] def sat(self): """Return a tuple (sat, point). The sat value is ``True`` if the expression is satisfiable. If the expression is not satisfiable, the point will be ``None``. Otherwise, it will return a satisfying input point. """ return _Soln(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_sat(self._cdata)).t
[docs] def iter_sat(self): """Iterate through all satisfying input points.""" yield from _SatIter(lib.boolexpr_SatIter_new(self._cdata))
[docs] def to_cnf(self): """Convert the expression to conjunctive normal form (CNF).""" return _bx(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_to_cnf(self._cdata))
[docs] def to_dnf(self): """Convert the expression to disjunctive normal form (DNF).""" return _bx(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_to_dnf(self._cdata))
[docs] def to_nnf(self): """Convert the expression to negation normal form (NNF). Negation formal form is defined as: * Only ``Or`` or ``And`` operators * All NOT bubbles are pushed down to the literals * Simple """ return _bx(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_to_nnf(self._cdata))
[docs] def equiv(self, other): """Return True if the two expressions are formally equivalent. .. note:: While in practice this check can be quite fast, SAT is an NP-complete problem, so some inputs will require exponential runtime. """ other = _expect_bx(other) return bool(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_equiv(self._cdata, other._cdata))
[docs] def support(self): """Return the support set of the expression.""" return set(_VarSet(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_support(self._cdata)))
[docs] def degree(self): r"""Return the degree of a function. A function from :math:`B^{N} \Rightarrow B` is called a Boolean function of *degree* :math:`N`. """ return lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_degree(self._cdata)
[docs] def expand(self, xs): """ Return the Shannon expansion with respect to a sequence of variables. """ if isinstance(xs, Variable): xs = [xs] num = len(xs) c_vars ="void * []", num) for i, x in enumerate(xs): c_vars[i] = _expect_var(x)._cdata return _bx(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_expand(self._cdata, num, c_vars))
[docs] def smoothing(self, xs): r"""Return the smoothing over a sequence of N variables. The *xs* argument is a sequence of :math:`N` Boolean variables. The *smoothing* of :math:`f(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_i, \dots, x_n)` with respect to variable :math:`x_i` is: :math:`S_{x_i}(f) = f_{x_i} + f_{x_i'}` This is the same as the existential quantification operator: :math:`\exists \{x_1, x_2, \dots\} \: f` """ if isinstance(xs, Variable): xs = [xs] num = len(xs) c_vars ="void * []", num) for i, x in enumerate(xs): c_vars[i] = _expect_var(x)._cdata return _bx(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_smoothing(self._cdata, num, c_vars))
[docs] def consensus(self, xs): r"""Return the consensus over a sequence of N variables. The *xs* argument is a sequence of :math:`N` Boolean variables. The *consensus* of :math:`f(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_i, \dots, x_n)` with respect to variable :math:`x_i` is: :math:`C_{x_i}(f) = f_{x_i} \cdot f_{x_i'}` This is the same as the universal quantification operator: :math:`\forall \{x_1, x_2, \dots\} \: f` """ if isinstance(xs, Variable): xs = [xs] num = len(xs) c_vars ="void * []", num) for i, x in enumerate(xs): c_vars[i] = _expect_var(x)._cdata return _bx(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_consensus(self._cdata, num, c_vars))
[docs] def derivative(self, xs): r"""Return the derivative over a sequence of N variables. The *xs* argument is a sequence of :math:`N` Boolean variables. The *derivative* of :math:`f(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_i, \dots, x_n)` with respect to variable :math:`x_i` is: :math:`\frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} f = f_{x_i} \oplus f_{x_i'}` This is also known as the Boolean *difference*. """ if isinstance(xs, Variable): xs = [xs] num = len(xs) c_vars ="void * []", num) for i, x in enumerate(xs): c_vars[i] = _expect_var(x)._cdata return _bx(lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_derivative(self._cdata, num, c_vars))
[docs] def iter_dfs(self): """Iterate through all expression nodes in DFS order.""" yield from _DfsIter(lib.boolexpr_DfsIter_new(self._cdata))
[docs] def iter_domain(self): """Iterate through all points in the domain.""" yield from _DomainIter(lib.boolexpr_DomainIter_new(self._cdata))
[docs] def iter_cfs(self, xs): """Iterate through all cofactors over a sequence of variables.""" if isinstance(xs, Variable): xs = [xs] num = len(xs) c_vars ="void * []", num) for i, x in enumerate(xs): c_vars[i] = _expect_var(x)._cdata cdata = lib.boolexpr_CofactorIter_new(self._cdata, num, c_vars) yield from _CofactorIter(cdata)
[docs]class Atom(BoolExpr): """Boolean Atom"""
[docs]class Constant(Atom): """Boolean Constant Atom"""
[docs]class Known(Constant): """Boolean Known Constant"""
[docs]class Zero(Known): """Boolean Zero""" def __bool__(self): return False def __int__(self): return 0 def to_ast(self): return (self.kind, )
[docs]class One(Known): """Boolean One""" def __bool__(self): return True def __int__(self): return 1 def to_ast(self): return (self.kind, )
[docs]class Unknown(Constant): """Boolean Unknown Constant"""
[docs]class Logical(Unknown): """Boolean Logical Unknown""" def to_ast(self): return (self.kind, )
class Illogical(Unknown): """Boolean Illogical Unknown""" def to_ast(self): return (self.kind, )
[docs]class Literal(Atom): """Boolean Literal Atom"""
[docs] def __abs__(self): """Absolute value operator""" return _bx(lib.boolexpr_abs(self._cdata))
[docs]class Complement(Literal): """Boolean Complement""" def to_ast(self): return ( self.kind, int(ffi.cast("uintptr_t", lib.boolexpr_Literal_ctx(self._cdata))), str(~self), )
[docs]class Variable(Literal): """Boolean Variable""" def to_ast(self): return ( self.kind, int(ffi.cast("uintptr_t", lib.boolexpr_Literal_ctx(self._cdata))), self.__str__() )
[docs]class Operator(BoolExpr): """Boolean Operator""" def to_ast(self): return (self.kind, ) + tuple(arg.to_ast() for arg in self.args) @property def simple(self): """Return ``True`` if the operator is simple. An operator is only deemed simple if it has been returned by the ``simplify`` method. """ return bool(lib.boolexpr_Operator_simple(self._cdata)) @property def args(self): """Return a tuple of the operator's arguments.""" return tuple(_Vec(lib.boolexpr_Operator_args(self._cdata)))
[docs] def is_clause(self): """Return ``True`` if the operator is a clause. A *clause* is defined as having only ``Literal`` arguments. """ return bool(lib.boolexpr_Operator_is_clause(self._cdata))
[docs]class NegativeOperator(Operator): """Negative Operator"""
[docs]class LatticeOperator(Operator): """Boolean Lattice Operator"""
[docs]class Nor(NegativeOperator): """Boolean Nor Operator"""
[docs]class Nand(NegativeOperator): """Boolean Nand Operator"""
[docs]class Xnor(NegativeOperator): """Boolean Xnor Operator"""
[docs]class Unequal(NegativeOperator): """Boolean Unequal Operator"""
[docs]class NotImplies(NegativeOperator): """Boolean Not Implies Operator"""
[docs]class NotIfThenElse(NegativeOperator): """Boolean Not IfThenElse Operator"""
[docs]class Or(LatticeOperator): """Boolean Or Operator"""
[docs]class And(LatticeOperator): """Boolean And Operator"""
[docs]class Xor(Operator): """Boolean Xor Operator"""
[docs]class Equal(Operator): """Boolean Equal Operator"""
[docs]class Implies(Operator): """Boolean Implies Operator"""
[docs]class IfThenElse(Operator): """Boolean IfThenElse Operator"""
ZERO = Zero(lib.boolexpr_zero()) ONE = One(lib.boolexpr_one()) LOGICAL = Logical(lib.boolexpr_logical()) ILLOGICAL = Illogical(lib.boolexpr_illogical()) def iter_points(xs): """Iterate through all points in a Boolean space.""" if isinstance(xs, Variable): xs = [xs] num = len(xs) c_vars ="void * []", num) for i, x in enumerate(xs): c_vars[i] = _expect_var(x)._cdata yield from _PointsIter(lib.boolexpr_PointsIter_new(len(c_vars), c_vars)) def iter_terms(*args): """Iterate through all terms in a Boolean space.""" _, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) yield from _TermsIter(lib.boolexpr_TermsIter_new(len(c_bxs), c_bxs))
[docs]def not_(arg): """Boolean Not operator.""" _, c_bxs = _convert_args((arg, )) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_not(c_bxs[0]))
[docs]def nor(*args): """Boolean Nor operator.""" num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_nor(num, c_bxs))
[docs]def or_(*args): """Boolean Or operator.""" num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_or(num, c_bxs))
[docs]def nand(*args): """Boolean Nand operator.""" num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_nand(num, c_bxs))
[docs]def and_(*args): """Boolean And operator.""" num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_and(num, c_bxs))
[docs]def xnor(*args): """Boolean Xnor operator.""" num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_xnor(num, c_bxs))
[docs]def xor(*args): """Boolean Xor operator.""" num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_xor(num, c_bxs))
[docs]def neq(*args): """Boolean Unequal operator.""" num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_neq(num, c_bxs))
[docs]def eq(*args): """Boolean Equal operator.""" num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_eq(num, c_bxs))
def nimpl(p, q): """Boolean NotImplies operator.""" _, c_bxs = _convert_args((p, q)) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_nimpl(c_bxs[0], c_bxs[1]))
[docs]def impl(p, q): """Boolean Implies operator.""" _, c_bxs = _convert_args((p, q)) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_impl(c_bxs[0], c_bxs[1]))
def nite(s, d1, d0): """Boolean NotIfThenElse operator.""" _, c_bxs = _convert_args((s, d1, d0)) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_nite(c_bxs[0], c_bxs[1], c_bxs[2]))
[docs]def ite(s, d1, d0): """Boolean IfThenElse operator.""" _, c_bxs = _convert_args((s, d1, d0)) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_ite(c_bxs[0], c_bxs[1], c_bxs[2]))
[docs]def nor_s(*args): """Simplifying Boolean Nor operator.""" num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_nor_s(num, c_bxs))
[docs]def or_s(*args): """Simplifying Boolean Or operator.""" num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_or_s(num, c_bxs))
[docs]def nand_s(*args): """Simplifying Boolean Nand operator.""" num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_nand_s(num, c_bxs))
[docs]def and_s(*args): """Simplifying Boolean And operator.""" num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_and_s(num, c_bxs))
[docs]def xnor_s(*args): """Simplifying Boolean Xnor operator.""" num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_xnor_s(num, c_bxs))
[docs]def xor_s(*args): """Simplifying Boolean Xor operator.""" num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_xor_s(num, c_bxs))
[docs]def neq_s(*args): """Simplifying Boolean Unequal operator.""" num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_neq_s(num, c_bxs))
[docs]def eq_s(*args): """Simplifying Boolean Equal operator.""" num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_eq_s(num, c_bxs))
def nimpl_s(p, q): """Simplifying Boolean Implies operator.""" _, c_bxs = _convert_args((p, q)) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_nimpl_s(c_bxs[0], c_bxs[1]))
[docs]def impl_s(p, q): """Simplifying Boolean Implies operator.""" _, c_bxs = _convert_args((p, q)) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_impl_s(c_bxs[0], c_bxs[1]))
def nite_s(s, d1, d0): """Simplifying Boolean IfThenElse operator.""" _, c_bxs = _convert_args((s, d1, d0)) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_nite_s(c_bxs[0], c_bxs[1], c_bxs[2]))
[docs]def ite_s(s, d1, d0): """Simplifying Boolean IfThenElse operator.""" _, c_bxs = _convert_args((s, d1, d0)) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_ite_s(c_bxs[0], c_bxs[1], c_bxs[2]))
[docs]def onehot0(*args): """ Return an expression that means "at most one input function is true". """ num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_onehot0(num, c_bxs))
[docs]def onehot(*args): """ Return an expression that means "exactly one input function is true". """ num, c_bxs = _convert_args(args) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_onehot(num, c_bxs))
_LITS = dict() _KIND2CONST = { lib.ZERO : ZERO, lib.ONE : ONE, lib.LOG : LOGICAL, lib.ILL : ILLOGICAL, } _KIND2LIT = { lib.COMP : Complement, lib.VAR : Variable, } _KIND2OP = { lib.NOR : Nor, lib.OR : Or, lib.NAND : Nand, lib.AND : And, lib.XNOR : Xnor, lib.XOR : Xor, lib.NEQ : Unequal, lib.EQ : Equal, lib.NIMPL : NotImplies, lib.IMPL : Implies, lib.NITE : NotIfThenElse, lib.ITE : IfThenElse, } def _var(ctx_num, name): ctx = ffi.cast("void *", ctx_num) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_Context_get_var(ctx, name.encode("ascii"))) _AST = { : lambda _: ZERO, : lambda _: ONE, BoolExpr.Kind.log : lambda _: LOGICAL, : lambda _: ILLOGICAL, BoolExpr.Kind.comp : lambda args: ~_var(*args), BoolExpr.Kind.var : lambda args: _var(*args), BoolExpr.Kind.nor : lambda asts: nor(*map(BoolExpr.from_ast, asts)), BoolExpr.Kind.or_ : lambda asts: or_(*map(BoolExpr.from_ast, asts)), BoolExpr.Kind.nand : lambda asts: nand(*map(BoolExpr.from_ast, asts)), BoolExpr.Kind.and_ : lambda asts: and_(*map(BoolExpr.from_ast, asts)), BoolExpr.Kind.xnor : lambda asts: xnor(*map(BoolExpr.from_ast, asts)), BoolExpr.Kind.xor : lambda asts: xor(*map(BoolExpr.from_ast, asts)), BoolExpr.Kind.neq : lambda asts: neq(*map(BoolExpr.from_ast, asts)), BoolExpr.Kind.eq : lambda asts: eq(*map(BoolExpr.from_ast, asts)), BoolExpr.Kind.nimpl : lambda asts: nimpl(*map(BoolExpr.from_ast, asts)), BoolExpr.Kind.impl : lambda asts: impl(*map(BoolExpr.from_ast, asts)), BoolExpr.Kind.nite : lambda asts: nite(*map(BoolExpr.from_ast, asts)), BoolExpr.Kind.ite : lambda asts: ite(*map(BoolExpr.from_ast, asts)), } def _expect_array(obj): """Return an ndarray, or raise TypeError.""" if obj == 0 or obj == "0": return array([ZERO]) elif obj == 1 or obj == "1": return array([ONE]) elif obj == "x" or obj == "X": return array([LOGICAL]) elif obj == "?": return array([ILLOGICAL]) elif isinstance(obj, BoolExpr): return array([obj]) elif isinstance(obj, ndarray): return obj else: raise TypeError("Expected obj to be an ndarray") def _expect_bx(obj): """Return a BoolExpr, or raise TypeError.""" if obj == 0 or obj == "0": return ZERO elif obj == 1 or obj == "1": return ONE elif obj == "x" or obj == "X": return LOGICAL elif obj == "?": return ILLOGICAL elif isinstance(obj, BoolExpr): return obj else: raise TypeError("Expected obj to be a BoolExpr") def _expect_const(obj): """Return a Constant, or raise TypeError.""" if obj == 0 or obj == "0": return ZERO elif obj == 1 or obj == "1": return ONE elif obj == "x" or obj == "X": return LOGICAL elif obj == "?": return ILLOGICAL elif isinstance(obj, Constant): return obj else: raise TypeError("Expected obj to be a Constant") def _expect_var(obj): """Return a Variable, or raise TypeError.""" if isinstance(obj, Variable): return obj else: raise TypeError("Expected obj to be a Variable") def _convert_args(args): """Convert a sequence of Python BoolExpr to a C [BoolExpr].""" num = len(args) c_args ="void const * []", num) for i, arg in enumerate(args): c_args[i] = _expect_bx(arg)._cdata return num, c_args def _bx(cbx): kind = lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_kind(cbx) if kind in _KIND2CONST: lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_del(cbx) return _KIND2CONST[kind] if kind in _KIND2LIT: key = (int(ffi.cast("uintptr_t", lib.boolexpr_Literal_ctx(cbx))), lib.boolexpr_Literal_id(cbx)) try: lit = _LITS[key] except KeyError: lit = _LITS[key] = _KIND2LIT[kind](cbx) else: lib.boolexpr_BoolExpr_del(cbx) return lit return _KIND2OP[kind](cbx)
[docs]class Array: """ Wrap boolexpr::Array class """ def __init__(self, cdata): self._cdata = cdata def __del__(self): lib.boolexpr_Array_del(self._cdata) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return "(" + ", ".join(str(item) for item in self) + ")" def __len__(self): return lib.boolexpr_Array_size(self._cdata) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, slice): start, stop, _ = self._key2indices(key) cdata = lib.boolexpr_Array_getslice(self._cdata, start, stop) return Array(cdata) index = self._key2index(key) return _bx(lib.boolexpr_Array_getitem(self._cdata, index)) def __setitem__(self, key, val): index = self._key2index(key) lib.boolexpr_Array_setitem(self._cdata, index, val._cdata) def _key2index(self, key): index = operator.index(key) if index < 0: index += self.__len__() if not 0 <= index < self.__len__(): raise IndexError("Array index out of range") return index def _key2indices(self, key): if key.step is not None: raise ValueError("Array slice step is not supported") return key.indices(self.__len__()) def __iter__(self): for i in range(self.__len__()): yield self.__getitem__(i) def __invert__(self): return Array(lib.boolexpr_Array_invert(self._cdata)) def __or__(self, other): return Array(lib.boolexpr_Array_or(self._cdata, other._cdata)) def __and__(self, other): return Array(lib.boolexpr_Array_and(self._cdata, other._cdata)) def __xor__(self, other): return Array(lib.boolexpr_Array_xor(self._cdata, other._cdata)) def __add__(self, other): return Array(lib.boolexpr_Array_plus(self._cdata, other._cdata)) def __mul__(self, num): return Array(lib.boolexpr_Array_mul(self._cdata, num)) def __rmul__(self, num): return Array(lib.boolexpr_Array_mul(self._cdata, num)) def simplify(self): """Return a simplified array. Simplification uses Boolean algebra identities to reduce the size of the expression. """ return Array(lib.boolexpr_Array_simplify(self._cdata)) def compose(self, var2bx): r""" Substitute a subset of support variables with other Boolean expressions. Returns a new expression: :math:`f(g_i, \ldots)` :math:`f_1 \: | \: x_i = f_2` """ num = len(var2bx) c_vars ="void * []", num) c_bxs ="void * []", num) for i, (var, bx) in enumerate(var2bx.items()): c_vars[i] = _expect_var(var)._cdata c_bxs[i] = _expect_bx(bx)._cdata return Array(lib.boolexpr_Array_compose(self._cdata, num, c_vars, c_bxs)) def restrict(self, point): r""" Substitute a subset of support variables with other Boolean expressions. Returns a new expression: :math:`f(g_i, \ldots)` :math:`f_1 \: | \: x_i = f_2` """ num = len(point) c_vars ="void * []", num) c_consts ="void * []", num) for i, (var, const) in enumerate(point.items()): c_vars[i] = _expect_var(var)._cdata c_consts[i] = _expect_const(const)._cdata return Array(lib.boolexpr_Array_restrict(self._cdata, num, c_vars, c_consts)) def equiv(self, other): """Return True if two arrays are equivalent. .. note:: While in practice this check can be quite fast, SAT is an NP-complete problem, so some inputs will require exponential runtime. """ return bool(lib.boolexpr_Array_equiv(self._cdata, other._cdata)) def zext(self, num): """Zero-extend this array by *num* bits.""" return Array(lib.boolexpr_Array_zext(self._cdata, num)) def sext(self, num): """Sign-extend this array by *num* bits.""" return Array(lib.boolexpr_Array_sext(self._cdata, num)) def nor_reduce(self): """Reduce items of the array using the NOR operator.""" return _bx(lib.boolexpr_Array_nor_reduce(self._cdata)) def or_reduce(self): """Reduce items of the array using the OR operator.""" return _bx(lib.boolexpr_Array_or_reduce(self._cdata)) def nand_reduce(self): """Reduce items of the array using the NAND operator.""" return _bx(lib.boolexpr_Array_nand_reduce(self._cdata)) def and_reduce(self): """Reduce items of the array using the AND operator.""" return _bx(lib.boolexpr_Array_and_reduce(self._cdata)) def xnor_reduce(self): """Reduce items of the array using the XNOR operator.""" return _bx(lib.boolexpr_Array_xnor_reduce(self._cdata)) def xor_reduce(self): """Reduce items of the array using the XOR operator.""" return _bx(lib.boolexpr_Array_xor_reduce(self._cdata)) def lsh(self, a): """Left shift operator""" cdata = lib.boolexpr_Array_lsh(self._cdata, a._cdata) return _ArrayPair(cdata).t def rsh(self, a): """Right shift operator""" cdata = lib.boolexpr_Array_rsh(self._cdata, a._cdata) return _ArrayPair(cdata).t def arsh(self, num): """Arithmetic right shift operator""" cdata = lib.boolexpr_Array_arsh(self._cdata, num) return _ArrayPair(cdata).t
[docs]def zeros(*dims): """Return a multi-dimensional array of zeros. The variadic *dims* input is a sequence of dimension specs. A dimension spec is a two-tuple: (start index, stop index). If a dimension is given as a single ``int``, it will be converted to ``(0, stop)``. The dimension starts at index ``start``, and increments by one up to, but not including, ``stop``. This follows the Python slice convention. For example, to create a 4x4 array of zeros:: >>> zeros(2, 4) array([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]) """ shape = _dims2shape(*dims) objs = [ZERO for _ in range(_volume(shape))] return array(objs, shape)
[docs]def ones(*dims): """Return a multi-dimensional array of ones. The variadic *dims* input is a sequence of dimension specs. A dimension spec is a two-tuple: (start index, stop index). If a dimension is given as a single ``int``, it will be converted to ``(0, stop)``. The dimension starts at index ``start``, and increments by one up to, but not including, ``stop``. This follows the Python slice convention. For example, to create a 4x4 array of ones:: >>> ones(2, 4) array([[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]]) """ shape = _dims2shape(*dims) objs = [ONE for _ in range(_volume(shape))] return array(objs, shape)
[docs]def logicals(*dims): """Return a multi-dimensional array of X's. The variadic *dims* input is a sequence of dimension specs. A dimension spec is a two-tuple: (start index, stop index). If a dimension is given as a single ``int``, it will be converted to ``(0, stop)``. The dimension starts at index ``start``, and increments by one up to, but not including, ``stop``. This follows the Python slice convention. For example, to create a 4x4 array of X's:: >>> logicals(2, 4) array([[X, X, X, X], [X, X, X, X]]) """ shape = _dims2shape(*dims) objs = [LOGICAL for _ in range(_volume(shape))] return array(objs, shape)
def illogicals(*dims): """Return a multi-dimensional array of X's. The variadic *dims* input is a sequence of dimension specs. A dimension spec is a two-tuple: (start index, stop index). If a dimension is given as a single ``int``, it will be converted to ``(0, stop)``. The dimension starts at index ``start``, and increments by one up to, but not including, ``stop``. This follows the Python slice convention. For example, to create a 4x4 array of X's:: >>> illogicals(2, 4) array([[?, ?, ?, ?], [?, ?, ?, ?]]) """ shape = _dims2shape(*dims) objs = [ILLOGICAL for _ in range(_volume(shape))] return array(objs, shape)
[docs]def uint2nda(num, length=None): """Convert unsigned *num* to an array of expressions. The *num* argument is a non-negative integer. If no *length* parameter is given, the return value will have the minimal required length. Otherwise, the return value will be zero-extended to match *length*. For example, to convert the byte 42 (binary ``0b00101010``):: >>> uint2nda(42, 8) array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0]) """ if num < 0: raise ValueError("expected num >= 0") else: objs = _uint2objs(num, length) return array(objs)
[docs]def int2nda(num, length=None): """Convert *num* to an array of expressions. The *num* argument is an ``int``. Negative numbers will be converted using twos-complement notation. If no *length* parameter is given, the return value will have the minimal required length. Otherwise, the return value will be sign-extended to match *length*. For example, to convert the bytes 42 (binary ``0b00101010``), and -42 (binary ``0b11010110``):: >>> int2nda(42, 8) array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0]) >>> int2nda(-42, 8) array([0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1]) """ if num < 0: req_length = clog2(abs(num)) + 1 objs = _uint2objs(2**req_length + num) else: req_length = clog2(num + 1) + 1 objs = _uint2objs(num, req_length) if length: if length < req_length: fstr = "overflow: num = {} requires length >= {}, got length = {}" raise ValueError(fstr.format(num, req_length, length)) else: sign = objs[-1] objs += [sign] * (length - req_length) return array(objs)
[docs]def array(objs, shape=None): """Return an N-dimensional array of Boolean expressions. The *objs* argument is a nested sequence of homogeneous Boolean expressions. That is, both [a, b, c, d] and [[a, b], [c, d]] are valid inputs. The optional *shape* parameter is a tuple of dimension specs, which are ``(int, int)`` tuples. It must match the volume of *objs*. The shape can always be automatically determined from *objs*, but you can supply it to automatically reshape a flat input. """ items, autoshape = _itemize(objs) if shape is None: shape = autoshape else: _check_shape(shape) if _volume(shape) != len(items): raise ValueError("expected shape volume to match items") num, c_bxs = _convert_args(items) bxa = Array(lib.boolexpr_Array_new(num, c_bxs)) return ndarray(bxa, shape)
[docs]class ndarray: # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ N-dimensional array of Boolean expressions """ def __init__(self, bxa, shape=None): self._bxa = bxa if shape is None: self._shape = ((0, len(bxa)), ) else: self._shape = shape self._ndim = len(self._shape) self._nshape = tuple(stop - start for start, stop in self._shape) self._strides = tuple(reduce(operator.mul, self._nshape[i+1:], 1) for i in range(self._ndim)) @property def bxa(self): """Return the Array object.""" return self._bxa @property def shape(self): """Return the Array shape.""" return self._shape
[docs] def reshape(self, *dims): """Return an equivalent array with a modified shape.""" shape = _dims2shape(*dims) if _volume(shape) != self.size: raise ValueError("expected shape with equal volume") return self.__class__(self._bxa, shape)
def __str__(self): pre, post = "array(", ")" indent = " " * len(pre) + " " return pre + self._str(indent) + post def _str(self, indent=""): """Helper function for __str__""" if self.ndim <= 1: return "[" + ", ".join(str(x) for x in self) + "]" elif self.ndim == 2: sep = ",\n" + indent # pylint: disable=protected-access return "[" + sep.join(x._str(indent + " ") for x in self) + "]" else: sep = ",\n\n" + indent # pylint: disable=protected-access return "[" + sep.join(x._str(indent + " ") for x in self) + "]" def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __iter__(self): for i in range(self._shape[0][0], self._shape[0][1]): yield self[i] def __len__(self): return self._shape[0][1] - self._shape[0][0] def __getitem__(self, key): parts = self._key2parts(key) ranges, shape = self._walk_parts(parts) items = list() for coord in itertools.product(*ranges): index = sum(self._strides[i] * coord[i] for i in range(self.ndim)) items.append(self._bxa[index]) if shape: return array(items, tuple(shape)) else: return items[0] def __setitem__(self, key, val): parts = self._key2parts(key) ranges, _ = self._walk_parts(parts) val = _expect_array(val) coords = list(itertools.product(*ranges)) if val.size != len(coords): fstr = "expected val.size = {}, got {}" raise ValueError(fstr.format(len(coords), val.size)) for coord, _val in zip(coords, val.flat): index = sum(self._strides[i] * coord[i] for i in range(self.ndim)) self._bxa[index] = _val # Operators def __invert__(self): return self.__class__(~self._bxa, self._shape) def __or__(self, other): other = _expect_array(other) shape = None if self._shape == other.shape: shape = self._shape return self.__class__(self._bxa | other.bxa, shape) def __and__(self, other): other = _expect_array(other) shape = None if self._shape == other.shape: shape = self._shape return self.__class__(self._bxa & other.bxa, shape) def __xor__(self, other): other = _expect_array(other) shape = None if self._shape == other.shape: shape = self._shape return self.__class__(self._bxa ^ other.bxa, shape) def __lshift__(self, num): return self.lsh(zeros(num))[0] def __rshift__(self, num): return self.rsh(zeros(num))[1] def __add__(self, other): other = _expect_array(other) bxa = self.bxa + other.bxa shape = None if (self.ndim == other.ndim > 1 and self._shape[1:] == other.shape[1:] and self._shape[0][0] == other.shape[0][0] == 0): shape0 = ((0, self._shape[0][1] + other.shape[0][1]), ) shape = shape0 + self._shape[1:] return self.__class__(bxa, shape) def __radd__(self, other): return _expect_array(other) + self def __mul__(self, num): if num < 0: raise ValueError("expected multiplier to be non-negative") bxa = self.bxa * num shape = None if self.ndim > 1 and self._shape[0][0] == 0: shape0 = ((0, self._shape[0][1] * num), ) shape = shape0 + self._shape[1:] return self.__class__(bxa, shape) def __rmul__(self, num): return self.__mul__(num) @property def ndim(self): """Return the number of dimensions.""" return self._ndim @property def size(self): """Return the size of the array. The *size* of a multi-dimensional array is the product of the sizes of its dimensions. """ return len(self._bxa) @property def flat(self): """Return a 1D iterator over the array.""" return iter(self._bxa)
[docs] def simplify(self): """Apply the ``simplify`` method to all expressions. Returns a new array. """ return self.__class__(self._bxa.simplify(), self._shape)
[docs] def compose(self, var2bx): """Apply the ``compose`` method to all expressions. Returns a new array. """ var2bx = _vmap2map(var2bx) return self.__class__(self._bxa.compose(var2bx), self._shape)
[docs] def restrict(self, point): """Apply the ``restrict`` method to all expressions. Returns a new array. """ point = _vpnt2pnt(point) return self.__class__(self._bxa.restrict(point), self._shape)
[docs] def equiv(self, other): """Return True if two arrays are equivalent. .. note:: While in practice this check can be quite fast, SAT is an NP-complete problem, so some inputs will require exponential runtime. """ other = _expect_array(other) return self._bxa.equiv(other.bxa)
[docs] def zext(self, num): """Zero-extend this array by *num* bits. Returns a new array. """ return self.__class__(self._bxa.zext(num))
[docs] def sext(self, num): """Sign-extend this array by *num* bits. Returns a new array. """ return self.__class__(self._bxa.sext(num))
# Reduction operators
[docs] def nor_reduce(self): """NOR reduction operator""" return self._bxa.nor_reduce()
[docs] def or_reduce(self): """OR reduction operator""" return self._bxa.or_reduce()
[docs] def nand_reduce(self): """NAND reduction operator""" return self._bxa.nand_reduce()
[docs] def and_reduce(self): """AND reduction operator""" return self._bxa.and_reduce()
[docs] def xnor_reduce(self): """XNOR reduction operator""" return self._bxa.xnor_reduce()
[docs] def xor_reduce(self): """XOR reduction operator""" return self._bxa.xor_reduce()
# Shift operators
[docs] def lsh(self, a): """Left shift the *a* array into this array. Returns a two-tuple (array, array) """ a = _expect_array(a) if not 0 <= a.size <= self.size: fstr = "expected 0 <= a.size <= {}" raise ValueError(fstr.format(self.size)) left, right = self._bxa.lsh(a.bxa) return self.__class__(left), self.__class__(right)
[docs] def rsh(self, a): """Right shift the *a* array into this array. Returns a two-tuple (array, array) """ a = _expect_array(a) if not 0 <= a.size <= self.size: fstr = "expected 0 <= a.size <= {}" raise ValueError(fstr.format(self.size)) left, right = self._bxa.rsh(a.bxa) return self.__class__(left), self.__class__(right)
[docs] def arsh(self, num): """Arithmetically right shift the array by *num* places. The *num* argument must be a non-negative ``int``. The shift-in will be the value of the most significant bit. Returns a two-tuple (array, array) """ if not 0 <= num <= self.size: raise ValueError("expected 0 <= num <= {}".format(self.size)) left, right = self._bxa.arsh(num) return self.__class__(left), self.__class__(right)
# Subroutines of __getitem__, __setitem__ @staticmethod def _part(item): if item is Ellipsis: return item elif isinstance(item, slice): return item else: return operator.index(item) def _key2parts(self, key): """Convert input key to a list of index parts.""" if isinstance(key, tuple): parts = [self._part(item) for item in key] else: parts = [self._part(key)] if len(parts) > self.ndim: fstr = "expected <= {0.ndim} slice dimensions, got {1}" raise ValueError(fstr.format(self, len(parts))) parts = self._fill_parts(parts) parts = self._norm_parts(parts) return parts def _fill_parts(self, parts): """Fill all '...' and ':' slice entries.""" # Fill '...' entries with ':' nfill = self.ndim - len(parts) fparts = list() for part in parts: if part is Ellipsis: while nfill: fparts.append(slice(None, None)) nfill -= 1 fparts.append(slice(None, None)) else: fparts.append(part) # Append ':' to the end for _ in range(self.ndim - len(fparts)): fparts.append(slice(None, None)) return fparts def _norm_parts(self, parts): """Normalize all key parts to array shape.""" nparts = list() for i, part in enumerate(parts): if isinstance(part, int): nparts.append(self._norm_int(i, part)) elif isinstance(part, slice): nparts.append(self._norm_slice(i, part)) else: assert False # pragma: no cover return nparts def _norm_int(self, i, part): if part < 0: npart = part + self._nshape[i] else: npart = part - self._shape[i][0] if not 0 <= npart < self._nshape[i]: raise IndexError("ndarray index out of range") return npart def _norm_slice(self, i, part): if part.start is not None and part.start >= 0: start = part.start - self._shape[i][0] if start < 0: raise IndexError("ndarray slice out of range") else: start = part.start if part.stop is not None and part.stop >= 0: stop = part.stop - self._shape[i][0] if stop < 0: raise IndexError("ndarray slice out of range") else: stop = part.stop if part.step is not None: raise ValueError("slice step is not supported") return slice(start, stop) def _walk_parts(self, parts): """Walk through slice parts, and get characteristic info.""" ranges = list() shape = list() for i, part in enumerate(parts): if isinstance(part, int): ranges.append(range(part, part+1)) elif isinstance(part, slice): start, stop, _ = part.indices(self._nshape[i]) ranges.append(range(start, stop)) shape.append((self._shape[i][0] + start, self._shape[i][0] + stop)) else: assert False # pragma: no cover return ranges, shape
def _check_dim(dim): """Verify that a dimension has the right format.""" if not 0 <= dim[0] <= dim[1]: raise ValueError("expected 0 <= low <= high dimensions") def _check_shape(shape): """Verify that a shape has the right format.""" if isinstance(shape, tuple): for dim in shape: if _is_dim(dim): _check_dim(dim) else: raise TypeError("expected shape dimension to be (int, int)") else: raise TypeError("expected shape to be tuple of (int, int)") def _dims2shape(*dims): """Convert input dimensions to a shape.""" if not dims: raise ValueError("expected at least one dimension spec") shape = list() for dim in dims: if isinstance(dim, int): start, stop = (0, dim) elif _is_dim(dim): _check_dim(dim) start, stop = dim else: raise TypeError("expected dimension to be int or (int, int)") shape.append((start, stop)) return tuple(shape) def _flatten(var_or_seq, val, f): """Recursively flatten vectorized var => bx mappings.""" if isinstance(var_or_seq, Variable): yield var_or_seq, f(val) else: if len(var_or_seq) != len(val): raise ValueError("expected 1:1 mapping from Variable => {0, 1}") for _var_or_seq, _val in zip(var_or_seq, val): yield from _flatten(_var_or_seq, _val, f) def _is_dim(obj): """Return True if the object is a shape dimension.""" return (isinstance(obj, tuple) and len(obj) == 2 and isinstance(obj[0], int) and isinstance(obj[1], int)) def _itemize(objs): """Recursive helper function for array.""" isseq = [isinstance(obj, collections.Sequence) for obj in objs] if not any(isseq): return list(objs), ((0, len(objs)), ) elif all(isseq): items = list() shape = None for obj in objs: _items, _shape = _itemize(obj) if shape is None: shape = _shape elif shape != _shape: raise ValueError("expected uniform array dimensions") items += _items shape = ((0, len(objs)), ) + shape return items, shape else: raise ValueError("expected uniform array dimensions") def _uint2objs(num, length=None): """Convert an unsigned integer to a list of constant expressions.""" if num == 0: objs = [ZERO] else: _num = num objs = list() while _num != 0: objs.append(ONE if _num & 1 else ZERO) _num >>= 1 if length: if length < len(objs): fstr = "overflow: num = {} requires length >= {}, got length = {}" raise ValueError(fstr.format(num, len(objs), length)) else: while len(objs) < length: objs.append(ZERO) return objs def _volume(shape): """Return the volume of a shape.""" prod = 1 for start, stop in shape: prod *= stop - start return prod def _vmap2map(vmap): """Convert *vmap* into a var2bx in an N-dimensional Boolean space.""" var2bx = dict() for var_or_seq, val in vmap.items(): var2bx.update(_flatten(var_or_seq, val, _expect_bx)) return var2bx def _vpnt2pnt(vpnt): """Convert *vpnt* into a point in an N-dimensional Boolean space. The *vpnt* argument is a mapping from multi-dimensional arrays of variables to matching arrays of :math:`{0, 1}`. Elements from the values array will be converted to :math:`{0, 1}` using the `int` builtin function. """ point = dict() for var_or_seq, val in vpnt.items(): point.update(_flatten(var_or_seq, val, _expect_const)) return point